Photos: UW-Green Bay 2017 Fall Convocation

The annual Fall Convocation for UW-Green Bay faculty, staff and friends, was held Wednesday, August 23, 2017. The convocation program included enthusiastic introductions of about 60 new faculty and staff, introduction of three named professors, heartfelt ovations for each of the Founders Award winners and upbeat remarks from Chancellor Gary Miller. Emcee Secretary of the Office of Faculty and Staff (SOFAS) Steve Meyer was clad in both the traditional bow tie, and once again, his apron which debuted last fall, as he reminded the room that his office is “here to serve.” The morning opened with presentation of Inclusivity and Equity Certificates for faculty and staff. An ice cream social took place in the afternoon followed by “Becoming a Student-Ready University” keynote presentation and seminar with Tia Brown McNair, VP, Office of Diversity, Equity and Student Success, AAC&U.
Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.
– Photos by Kimberly Vlies, Marketing and University Communication