Ideas for the Aging: Team ‘Stability’ takes home win and cash prize

Nine teams and 40 students represented all four of the UW-Green Bay colleges in the second annual Innovation in Aging Student Idea Competition, Friday, Feb. 23, 2018. The competition is sponsored by UW-Green Bay’s College of Health Education and Social Welfare, WiSys Technology Foundation and the UW-Green Bay Gerontology Center.
First prize and $500 was awarded to members of team Stability for their designed cup which allows the drinking of liquids for individuals with tremors. Team members were AJ Jensen (Mechanical Engineering Tech), Rosalyn Stoa (Psychology/Marketing) and Katherine Mikhail (Business Administration). Only Jensen (pictured) was able to be present for the competition.
Second place and $250 was awarded to team EAST for their idea for a device to put in a car trunk to help handle items, e.g., groceries). Team members were Leah Zorn, Dylan Ringham and Evan Polkinghorne (all from Business Administration).
Third place and $100 was awarded to team Embrace Age in Wisconsin Campaign for their idea about a social campaign to reduce ageism. Team members were Liza Steffeck and Gabrielle Jochman (both from Social Work).
In addition, the People’s Choice Award went to team Stability (see above). Other presentations included:
- Age-sistance: Business idea to assist older adults with non-healthcare needs (technology, driver, etc)
- The local Food Experiment: Social approach to provide fresh, prepared food for pick up at sites
- Before It’s Lost: Summer camp for older adults to learn new things (technology, various content, etc.)
- Switchboard: Service to help entrepreneurs innovate solutions for aging issues, especially related to mind, body, environment, and communication
- Tumble-Preventing Belt – Product idea to identify imbalance and prevent injury if falls occur
- Back in My Day: Service involving setting up video interview of older adults and platform that they will drive traffic (older adults and younger folks) to
Before It’s Lost (Engineering Club), Back in My Day (Philosophy Club) and The Local Food Experiment (Public Environmental Affairs Council), each won $100 award designated to the student organizations they represent.
Serving as judges were:
- Devon Christianson, Director, Aging & Disability Resources Center, Brown County
- LaReina Tipping, Director of Home & Community Services, Curative Connections
- Justin Richter, BCC Planning Team Leader at Kimberly-Clark
- Marcus Dumke, Executive Director, T2 Accelerator
- Dianne Murphy, Assistant Professor of Management at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
“We are excited to sponsor this creative event that allows students to apply their coursework in a practical setting,” said WiSys President Arjun Sanga.