Tagged: travel expense report

Sign up for a virtual travel training!

Sign up for a virtual travel training!

Are you new to UW Travel or need a refresher training? Virtual trainings are will be available to all who’re interested. These trainings will include a review of the travel policy, how to book...

Travel expense training sessions

Travel expense training sessions

The Controller’s office will be offering the following E-Reimbursement training sessions: Expense Report Preparation Lab Bring your receipts for one-on-one assistance in completing your expense report. Someone will be available to help you get your...

TER form goes paperless

TER form goes paperless

Following a campus wide e-mail recently (pdf) is a Log reminder that the current paper travel expense reimbursement form (TER) will be replaced with an electronic expense reimbursement module effective Monday, April 25. The e-reimbursement...